Rabu, 20 November 2013

Life is Beautiful (1)

I know it's cliche, so cliche, but it's also true indeed. I mean, if we just simply accepted life and enjoy it while never forget say thanks to God.

Seems easy but not really. As human, we always want more and more. Sometimes, we forget our capacity and fulfill ourselves with this and that, which actually not so important, not so needed, but only for satisfying our 'hand'. 

Well, in fact human never could be satisfied. Only if they thanks to God, than enough. That they key which often missed by us, God. Our Creator that know-comprehend ourselves more than any creature, anything, in this world. He never forget us. The vice-verse, human tends to remember God only if they need. Of course, it's not for all the people. Some of us always remember God, but there also people who never remember God in any condition. Ironic. It's become optional now.

However, it's not too late. At least, better late than never. As long as we have time, we still alive, meant that God loves us. He gives us opportunity to 'repair' ourselves, be better, to enjoy this beautiful life.

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